i wanna see la vie en rose...
sábado, 28 de agosto de 2010
sexta-feira, 27 de agosto de 2010
J'♥ Paris
quando fazemos promessas, gostamos de cumpri-las. por isso, esta semana voltámos a Paris e voltámos ao blog, que esteve parado este tempo todo enquanto passeámos pelo mundo e descansámos de regresso a casa. Lisboa estava maravilhosa e a vontade de trocar a praia, o sol e os amigos - tão difícil viver sem eles - pela chuva, tese por escrever e Paris a entrar no Outono era zero. mas às vezes (a maioria) o que custa partir é directamente proporcional ao bem que sabe chegar e entrar nesta casa que é só nossa, andar na rua, ouvir francês, comprar baguette e revistas, ver as lojas e as novidades. e ver as pessoas, of course.
obviamente, nem vale a pena falar do estilo (brutal) das miúdas de paris. mas depois de dois meses fora já quase me tinha esquecido da liberdade com que as parisienses se vestem, do cuidado que põem em cada detalhe, do ar descomprometido chic que dá o rimel, o kohl nos olhos e baton encarnado. e claro, dos pormenores indispensáveis a uma vraie parisienne: um lenço, uma pulseira ou uma carteira Hermès. por isso, amei quando descobri esta campanha da marca com as miúdas mais cool in town (não só em Paris, mas em NY, Tokyo e Londres também) a reviver os clássicos como só alguém com o chic dans sa peau pode fazer.
when we make promisses, we like to make them true. thus, this week we came back to Paris and back to this blog, which was in stand by while we were travelling around the world and relaxing back home. Lisbon was amazing and I had no will to change those delightful days in the beach with my dearest friends - so hard to live without them - for the rainy days in Paris and the dissertation. but sometimes the hardest it is to leave, the better it feels to come back to this town and enter our home, stroll around the streets, listen to french, buy baguettes and brand new magazines, see the stores and all the fashion news. and people watching, of course.
obviously, i don't even need to talk about the french girls (awesome) style. after two months away i almost forgot their freedom, the thought they put into every single detail, the chic blasée make up. and the must have accessories of a vraie parisienne: scarves, bracelets or an Hermès bag. so, when i saw this campaign with the coolest girls in town, i couldn't help but share it. hope you like it.
when we make promisses, we like to make them true. thus, this week we came back to Paris and back to this blog, which was in stand by while we were travelling around the world and relaxing back home. Lisbon was amazing and I had no will to change those delightful days in the beach with my dearest friends - so hard to live without them - for the rainy days in Paris and the dissertation. but sometimes the hardest it is to leave, the better it feels to come back to this town and enter our home, stroll around the streets, listen to french, buy baguettes and brand new magazines, see the stores and all the fashion news. and people watching, of course.
obviously, i don't even need to talk about the french girls (awesome) style. after two months away i almost forgot their freedom, the thought they put into every single detail, the chic blasée make up. and the must have accessories of a vraie parisienne: scarves, bracelets or an Hermès bag. so, when i saw this campaign with the coolest girls in town, i couldn't help but share it. hope you like it.
sexta-feira, 20 de agosto de 2010
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