a semana da Moda em Paris é uma loucura. sobretudo para quem trabalha nisto (ou, mais honestamente, para quem estagia nisto). é um non-stop de trabalho, de roupa a chegar e a partir dos shoppings, de pessoas a entrar e sair no escritório. às vezes, o trabalho é tão estafante que parece que nem dá para gozar o facto de ser Fashion Week. mas depois também tem as suas recompensas. como quando ouvimos a nossa chefe a dizer "agarra na tua mala" e a passar-nos para a mão o convite para a Chloé - que, como já devem ter percebido, é só uma das minhas marcas preferidas. o desfile foi um máximo e o mundo da moda estava lá em peso: Carine Roitfled, Anna dello Russo, Olivier Zahm, Hanneli Mustaparta, Taylor Tomasi.... basta ver o vídeo, mesmo cortado, para perceber que nas mãos da Hannah McGibbon, a Chloé é a mais elegante marca para as young girls que adoram plissados, vestidos esvoaçantes, cores softs e discrição. e o fashion world adora-a. se antes a Chloé já era uma total fave, a partir de hoje ganhou o meu coração. totally.
Paris Fashion Week is crazy. specially for those who work in in - or, like me, do internships. it's non-stop: clothes getting in and out of the shopping room, people getting in and out of the office. sometimes the work is sooo tiring that i feel i can't even enjoy FW. but then there are some rewards. like when you boss says "grab your bag" and hand us in a Chloé invitation (one of my favourite brands). the show was awesome and everyone was there: Carine Roitfeld, Anna dello Russo, Olivier Zahm, Hanneli Mustaparta, Taylor Tomasi... just check the video and you'll see that in Hannah McGibbon's hands, Chloé is today the most elegant brand for young girls who love pleats, light dresses, soft colours and discretion. and the fashion world loves her. if before Chloé was already a total fave, now it really has my heart. totally.
Paris Fashion Week is crazy. specially for those who work in in - or, like me, do internships. it's non-stop: clothes getting in and out of the shopping room, people getting in and out of the office. sometimes the work is sooo tiring that i feel i can't even enjoy FW. but then there are some rewards. like when you boss says "grab your bag" and hand us in a Chloé invitation (one of my favourite brands). the show was awesome and everyone was there: Carine Roitfeld, Anna dello Russo, Olivier Zahm, Hanneli Mustaparta, Taylor Tomasi... just check the video and you'll see that in Hannah McGibbon's hands, Chloé is today the most elegant brand for young girls who love pleats, light dresses, soft colours and discretion. and the fashion world loves her. if before Chloé was already a total fave, now it really has my heart. totally.
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